Brittany Ferri, PhD

Brittany Ferri, PhD

Occupational Therapist Registered/Licensed

Brittany Ferri is an occupational therapist, writer, and business owner with specialized expertise in mental health, pediatrics, and teletherapy. She has worked in diverse clinical settings, including assisted living facilities, hospitals, and home health agencies, as well as with children and teens to enhance developmental outcomes.

Brittany holds a Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy from Quinnipiac University and a PhD in Integrative Mental Health from Saybrook University. Brittany has authored the Social & Motor Skills Curriculum for Kids and has served as a guest lecturer for various OT/OTA programs, sharing her knowledge of behavioral health and pediatric therapy. Her work has been recognized by leading media outlets such as NBC News, WebMD, and CNN. By developing evidence-based tools and resources, she supports kids and teens in achieving emotional resilience, physical development, and overall well-being.


  • Occupational Therapy's Role in Health Literacy and Integrated Care
    Nova Science
    Apr 28, 2021
  • Learning About My Body and Mind
    Dec 1, 2020
  • Complementary Health Approaches for OTs
    SLACK, Inc.
    Oct 1, 2020
  • Why is There a Person in My Computer?
    Kindle Direct Publishing
    Mar 1, 2020
  • Effective Occupational Therapy Documentation
    Nova Science
    Apr 1, 2019
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