Dr. Lucas Hooks

Dr. Lucas Hooks

DO, Pediatrics Resident Doctor

Dr. Lucas Hooks is a dedicated pediatrician practicing in Oklahoma, specializing in the health and well-being of children and adolescents. He graduated from medical school in 2022, where he gained comprehensive knowledge and skills in pediatric medicine, including child development, preventive care, and management of common pediatric illnesses.

Throughout his training, Dr. Hooks focused on developing a patient-centered approach, emphasizing the importance of communication with both children and their families to ensure a supportive healthcare environment. His expertise encompasses various aspects of pediatric care, from routine check-ups and vaccinations to addressing complex health concerns. He practices in pediatric clinic and in the hospital.

Dr. Hooks is committed to staying current with the latest advancements in pediatric medicine, regularly engaging in professional development opportunities and collaborating with healthcare teams to provide the best care possible. His passion for improving children's health and promoting healthy lifestyles underscores his dedication to the field of pediatrics.


  • Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine
    Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, Medicine
    2018 – 2022
  • Clemson University
    Bachelor of Science in Public Health
    Aug 2014 – May 2018


  • Resident Doctor at University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK
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