Maggie Aime, MSN, RN

Maggie Aime, MSN, RN

Health Writer | Registered Nurse

Maggie Aime is a registered nurse, health writer, and medical personal finance expert with over 25 years of experience in healthcare. She has gained a holistic understanding of the industry from her extensive working experience across various specialties, including oncology, pediatrics, cardiology, kidney transplant, and medical-surgical nursing. Her expertise encompasses case management, utilization review, and medical coding.

As the founder of The Write RN, Maggie crafts engaging, evidence-based content on health, wellness, and the financial side of medicine. Her mission is to "meet readers where they are, and make content inclusive and easily understandable for all".

Beyond her work, she enjoys sunrise strolls on the beach, DIY projects, reading, and playing the piano. She also dedicates her time to Hopeful Hearts 4 Haiti, serving on its board to support healthcare initiatives.


  • Capella University
    Master's degree, Nursing Education
  • University of Central Florida
    Bachelor's degree, Registered Nursing


  • Founder at The Write RN, LLC
  • Member of the American Nurses Association, Florida Nurses Association, Association of Health Care Journalists
  • Contributing author at Well+Good, Everyday Health, Healthnews, GoodRx, Fortune, and more.
Our Editorial Process

Everything published by NuBest must meet our standards and comply with the Editorial Process to provide trustworthy, helpful content that best meets your needs.

• Accuracy and Relevancy

We team up with trusted experts and seasoned writers who bring expertise and relevant life experience to the subject matter, so each article incorporates up-to-date scientific findings, real-world experience, and valuable testimonials to address your questions and concerns.

• Readability and Clarity

At NuBest, we consistently maintain a respectful and inclusive tone, reflecting diverse perspectives and experiences across the healthcare spectrum. We steer clear of bias, stereotypes, and stigmas, while carefully choosing words to make science-backed insights as straightforward and uncomplicated as possible.

• Ethical Standards

While our content is not intended to substitute personalized medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, NuBest's Scientific Advisory Board carefully review and double-check information to ensure it remains unbiased, comprehensive, and research-backed.

• Constant Update

Our editors and advisory board regularly monitor articles for necessary revisions, particularly when there are new clinical guidelines, new approvals or recalls in the industry, reader feedback, or potential issues with outdated or unclear details.