The Best Vitamins for Height Growth Chosen by Our Experts

It’s time to discover more knowledge about growing taller. There are many determinant factors that contribute to human height, among which is the nourishment of vitamins for growth that you consume to promote healthy and strong height acceleration. Several studies suggest some of the best vitamins for growth includes vitamin A, B (Complex), C, D and K as listed below.

Many parents feel frustrated when, despite giving their children proper nutrition, they still “lag” behind their peers in physical development. Other struggles such as picky eaters or food allergies contribute to nutritional gaps that are hard to fill. Furthermore, with so many growth capsules on the market today, ensuring these supplements will truly provide the best results for their child’s long-term growth is not easy.

A lot of important factors influence human height, and one of the biggest is getting the essential vitamins to support strong, healthy growth. Studies suggest some of the best vitamins for growth include vitamins A, B (Complex), C, D, and K as listed below [1, 2, 3].

In this blog, we are excited to share our decades of experience in height growth and guide you through the best vitamins on the market. A NuBest expert will offer in-depth insights to help you make the most informed decision.

Interested in height growth vitamins? Explore our carefully-selected collections from NuBest and pick the most suitable one.

Let's Find out the Best Height Growth Vitamins

Vitamin A

Boost your height by adding vitamin A to your routine
Vitamin A, as a fat-soluble vitamin, plays a role in the body. This nutrient supports the overall growth of bones and tissues, promotes vision, and strengthens immunity.

Does vitamin A help in height growth?


Vitamin A is one of the key vitamins for growing taller. It is essential for the production of new cells, the creation and renewal of tissues and bones as well as the normal growth of the body, thereby helping to build up a proper body structure. This vitamin for growth also assists good eyesight and the function of the immune system which can help you stay away from infections.

How can I get vitamin A fast?

The best sources to get vitamin A fast include: 

  • Fish: Fatty fish like salmon, herrings, and mackerel are rich in vitamin A, supporting vision, immune health, and growth.
  • Fish oil: Cod liver oil is packed with vitamin A to maintain healthy bones and skin.
  • Liver: Animal liver, particularly beef liver, is a great source of vitamin A to promote eye health and cell growth.
  • Eggs: Egg yolk contains a high amount of vitamin A. One large raw egg yolk offers 64.8 mcg [4].
Eggs provide essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A
  • Dairy products: Milk, cheese, and yogurt are good choices as they are essential for growth and development
  • Leafy green vegetables: Spinach, kale, and broccoli are rich in Vitamin A, helping overall health and cell regeneration.
  • Yellow vegetables: Carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes, and squash are high in vitamin A, stimulating bone and tissue growth.
  • Fruits: Mangos, papayas, and cantaloupes give natural vitamin A to strengthen immunity and healthy development.

Also, vitamin A supplements are available to guarantee adequate intake, especially if your child is a picky eater or has any dietary restrictions.

Vitamin B-Complex

Vitamin B-Complex is a group of eight B vitamins, essential for overall bodily function. Each has a different role, from stimulating healthy bones to supporting the nervous system.

Vitamin B-Complex is a group of eight essential vitamins vital for overall body function
Here’s a quick overview of the different vitamins B to help height growth:
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) ensures regular blood supply to the organs, improves digestion and the absorption of essential nutrients as well as maintains proper functioning of the healthy heart and nervous system, thereby upholding body growth and increasing height.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is another well-known vitamin to grow taller, it contributes essentially to the all-round growth of the body, including hair, nails, and skin. This vitamin participates in the oxidation-reduction reactions in the metabolic pathways involved in energy production. Moreover, it is crucial for bone growth, bone health, and fracture risk reduction.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) plays a significant role in creating collagen and bone growth to help your body grow taller. It also promotes the metabolism in the body and maintains a healthy nervous system. The deficiency of this vitamin for growth may cause changes in the bone such as bone cavities and may reduce new bone formation.
  • Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is a vitamin for growth that helps to promote height increase without damaging bones and tissues. It supports the synthesis of folate and carbohydrates that are highly required for steady development.

Does vitamin B help with height growth?

Vitamin B is essential for everyone's height growth
Some B vitamins may help with height growth. For instance, vitamin B1 helps the body absorb nutrients better. Meanwhile, the duo of vitamins B2 and B12 plays a role in boosting bone growth and overall body development.

How do I increase my B vitamins?

How do I increase my B vitamins

The best ways to increase your B vitamins include:

  • Eat a balanced diet: Make sure to add a variety of foods rich in B vitamins like lean meats, eggs, whole grains, and dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt.
  • Consume more leafy greens: Spinach, broccoli, and kale are excellent sources of B vitamins, particularly vitamin B9.
  • Include legumes and nuts: Beans, almonds, lentils, and sunflower seeds contain a high amount of vitamins B1 and B6.
  • Consider a B-complex supplement: If you are not getting enough of this nutrient from the diet, taking supplements is necessary. Make sure you consult your doctor’s advice first.

What foods are highest in vitamin B?

You can get vitamin B from food
Vitamin B-complex is popular in many types of foods, including meats, liver, seafood, chicken, eggs, milk and yogurt, legumes (e.g. black beans, green peas, chickpeas), leafy green vegetables (e.g. spinach, collard, turnip), seafood and seeds. Consuming adequate amounts of these vitamins for growth is essential for increasing height and developing the body.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is widely popular but not many people know it belongs to the list of essential vitamins to grow taller.

Does vitamin C help growth?

Vitamin C is essential for height growth

Vitamin C helps to grow taller because of its ability to gear up body development and height increase. It strengthens the growth of bones and teeth as well as contributes to forming new collagens in the body. Vitamin C is rich in antioxidants and thus able to help the body eliminate toxins and prevent illness, keeping your body safe and reviving the body's strength [5].

Which food is highest in vitamin C?

Vitamin C-rich foods

The best natural sources of vitamin C are:

  • Citrus fruits like oranges, guavas, kiwis, and grapefruits are famous for their high level of this vitamin for growth. For instance, a medium orange contains about 70 mg of vitamin C, while one guava provides around 125 mg.
  • Vegetables rich in vitamin C include broccoli, cauliflower, and kale. One cup of raw broccoli has 89.2 mg of vitamin C while cauliflower offers 48.2 mg per cup, and kale provides around 19.2 mg.
  • Papaya contains 88 mg of vitamin C in a single cup.
  • Cantaloupe offers about 58 mg per cup.
  • Strawberries provide around 89 mg per cup.
  • Raw snow peas deliver 60 mg of vitamin C per cup.
Fruits are rich in Vitamin C

Vitamin D

The upcoming height-increasing vitamin you should not miss is vitamin D. This is a helpful nutrient that everyone (from kids to teens to adults) needs for good health.

Can vitamin D increase height?

Vitamin D promotes height and strengthens bone growth
Vitamin D boosts physical height and bone growth. It is critical to bone mineral metabolism and skeleton growth. Vitamin D also strengthens and lengthens the bones, as well as assists the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, all of which may trigger height increase.

Vitamin D and calcium are like two sides of a coin; this vitamin must be required for the bones to absorb calcium to grow properly. It also prevents rickets and bone erosion, as well as diseases such as osteoporosis [2].

What foods are highest in vitamin D?

Vitamin D-rich foods

The richest foods high in vitamin D for growth are:

  • Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, and mackerel) are excellent sources of vitamin D. A 3.5-ounce serving of cooked salmon delivers around 570 IU while the same amount of canned tuna gives 268 IU.
  • Cod liver oil is one of the most concentrated sources of vitamin D, giving about 1,360 IU per tablespoon.
  • Beef liver has a moderate amount of vitamin D to contribute to bone health and overall growth. A 3.5-ounce serving offers about 42 IU.
  • Every egg yolk delivers 44 IU of vitamin D.
  • Cheese like cheddar has a small amount of vitamin D (about 12 IU per ounce), yet it can contribute to overall intake as part of a well-balanced diet.

How to get vitamin D from the sun?

Sunlight is a rich source of vitamins for children
To boost your vitamin D levels naturally, try spending 10-30 minutes outdoors during midday when the sun is at its peak. Focus on exposing your face, arms, or legs without sunscreen. The amount of time can vary based on your skin type and location, but getting sun a few times a week should help your body produce the vitamin D it needs.

For you: Walking under the sun may support overall growth and bone health due to some reasons. Read to know how to walk to improve your stature properly.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a trace nutrient needed for the normal function of proteins in the body. It is separated into vitamin K1 and vitamin K2. While vitamin K1 is found in plant-based food, vitamin K2 is available in dairy and meat sources.

Vitamin K is essential for a healthy body

Is vitamin K good for height growth?

Vitamin K is a powerful nutrient for height and bone growth because it is required for the synthesis of functional protein included in the bone matrix. Vitamin K accounts for the proper buildup of bone density and bone strength and plays an important role in preventing bone erosion and fractures.

Moreover, this vitamin for growth is essential to the metabolism of calcium in the body, thereby enhancing height acceleration.

Foods rich in vitamin K

What is the main source of vitamin K?

The main sources of vitamin K are:

  • Vegetables, including leafy greens such as kale, spinach, collards, parsley, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage are rich in vitamin K. One cup of raw kale gives about 547 mcg while spinach offers 145 mcg per cup.
  • The liver, particularly beef liver, contains a good source of vitamin K, with 106 mcg for a 3.5-ounce serving.
  • Various meat has moderate amounts of vitamin K. For example, a 3.5-ounce serving of chicken provides about 60 mcg.
  • Fish like salmon and mackerel include small amounts of vitamin K. A 3.5-ounce serving of mackerel provides about 6.4 mcg.
Salmon is a rich source of vitamin K


Eating a healthy and proper diet can provide adequate amounts of vitamins for growth and assist in increasing your height naturally. The significance of these specific vitamins is undeniable to enhance the optimal growth of the body, strengthen tissues and bone growth, as well as promote the absorption and metabolism of calcium, in turn accelerating full height potential.

Taking adequate vitamins to grow taller for girls & boys not only is beneficial for height growth but also is essential to your body to achieve a wholesome state of health and development.

How Did We Choose These Height Growth Vitamins?

Do you know what to consider when choosing height growth vitamins for kids?

When choosing the best vitamins for height growth, our experts have taken into account the following factors to look for.

  • Ingredients: When choosing a height growth supplement, prioritize natural ingredients like calcium, vitamin D, and amino acids. Avoid synthetic or harmful ingredients to minimize long-term health risks.
  • Dosage: Follow the recommended dose on the label for best results. Too much can be risky, while too little may not provide the expected benefits.
  • Price: When choosing a supplement, consider the cost. Avoid overspending but prioritize quality to get the best value for your investment.
  • Customer reviews: Check feedbacks, testimonials, and ratings to make an informed decision. Compare products with positive reviews to find the right choice for you.

For a trusted solution, check out vitamins for height growth by NuBest, carefully formulated to support your child’s growth with natural, safe ingredients.

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Frequently Asked Questions About the Best Vitamins for Height Growth

Can vitamin D3 increase height?

Vitamin D3 may increase height by boosting calcium absorption, essential for strong bones and healthy bone development. Adequate vitamin D3 levels during childhood and adolescence help ensure proper bone growth.

Can vitamin B12 increase height?

Foods rich in vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 indirectly supports height growth by promoting red blood cell production and maintaining healthy nerve function.

Which vitamin for kids' height?

You can give your child vitamins through supplements

Vitamins D, K, and A are ideal for kids' height. Vitamin D helps with calcium absorption, while vitamin K makes bone strong by activating proteins in bone formation and mineralization, and vitamin A contributes to overall bone development and immune function.

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