Do hanging exercises make you taller?

It's hardly a revelation that the pursuit of an ideal height and the desire to make a striking impression on others are intrinsic human aspirations. It appears that individuals of greater stature are often regarded as more appealing, self-assured, prosperous, and accomplished. While some are fortunate to inherit their height genetically, many embark on a journey to attain their desired stature through diligent effort. Amidst the myriad of factors influencing one's height, physical activity assumes a significant role. Selecting a fitness regimen that aligns with your preferences and body is pivotal. Beyond conventional options such as swimming, cycling, basketball, and volleyball, there exists an unconventional yet valuable exercise method: hanging

You can start it as soon as tomorrow. Begin with a few reps, then increase it gradually until your body gets used to it. You can practice it right at home as long as you equip yourself with enough tools. Fight hard and your consistency and perseverance will pay off. Nothing can beat the feeling of satisfaction when you overcome your laziness and keep yourself healthy. 

Are you excited about that? Let’s go a little deeper to know how hanging can do wonders for your height.

How hanging makes you taller

Gravity always pulls us downwards. At the same time, we tend to be in the upright position for most of the day, which makes the spine compressed. That’s why people look a bit shorter than they actually are. When we do hanging exercises, the effect of gravity is reversed in which it stretches our body maximally during the process. We thus relieve the pressure on our spine and muscles, thereby boosting bone growth and height increase.


To test the reliability of this exercise, try this: Before you hang, measure your height. As soon as you finish, measure your height again. You will probably see yourself a little bit taller. Isn’t that amazing? However, to maintain being tall and make the new inches permanent, you need to practice hanging on a regular basis.

Some key notes to keep in mind

  • Have a regular and suitable schedule for hanging.

  • Be consistent and persistent.

  • Perform with the right techniques.

  • Start hanging at a gentle pace and increase the difficulty gradually.

  • Breathe in and breathe out the right way.

  • Have a good diet and sleep enough.

Preparations and techniques for hanging

Before you start hanging, make sure you have the following things available and follow the instructions strictly:

  • A good set of horizontal bars and it must be set at least 30 cm away from the top of your head when you stand below the bar so that you can jump up and catch hold of the bar.

  • Hold the bar tightly enough.

  • Relax your lower body while hanging freely from the bar.

  • You can also bend your knees in case you can’t stretch your body fully.

  • The back of your hand will face your face; however, if you are a newbie and not strong enough yet, you can let your palms face towards your face. 

  • Start pulling your body up across the bar handle, keep your body in the air for a few seconds, then relax your body and let it loose. For this step, remember to breathe properly: breathe out slowly as you raise yourself up and breathe in deeply as you lower yourself down.

  • For the best benefits, your body must remain fixed when you move up and down. Only your arms and forearms move. 

  • Repeat the process. 

  • You can do it daily for about 40 minutes or so.

Interesting things about hanging 

What makes hanging the most effective way to get taller is when you hang freely from the bar, your body extends fully, so your spine is decompressed and stretched at the same time. This makes your spine elongated, which stimulates the body to grow a few more inches over time.

Hanging is NOT for everyone. That is exactly what should come up here. Everything is just relative. A thing that is considered suitable for one group is not necessarily appropriate for another. Hanging is just the same. Be conscious of your physical state - Learn more about your body conditions. If you are still in your teens and your growth plates are still open, then choose HANGING and make it your daily routine to get its height boosting benefit.


It will be harder and harder to take up hanging as you grow older, especially after your puberty period. After all, you can start hanging when in primary school to maintain good health and get taller. When you are young and your growth plates are open, hanging and stretching make a great impact as it can reverse the compression and make you stay tall permanently. 

Under gravity force, your spine is also compressed at some points in time, but that process doesn’t affect much because your bones have grown longer and fixed, so spinal compression can only reduce your height temporarily by 1%. At some moments, you are going to look a bit shorter, but you can get back that 1% by stretching and hanging.

When is the best time to do hanging exercises and how long is suitable?

Hanging experts say that the best time to do hanging is in the morning. After you get up, your body is still in passive mode. Hanging makes your body muscles move and become active again, which also helps you feel fresh for a long working day ahead. To avoid unexpected injuries, you shouldn’t do too much hanging in the morning because at that time your body muscles are in a state of rest. You should start with gentle movements first to prevent the muscles and ligaments from being strained, which may cause serious injuries.


Another good time for hanging is in the afternoon or evening after you finish classes at school. When hanging, your body has a chance to stretch maximally and relax your muscles and bones, thereby boosting your height growth.

Wrap Up

Hanging is simple but it is also an exhausting exercise. As long as you keep practicing every day, you will build up your strength and increase your height before the best growing ages end.

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