Does Tennis Make You Taller?

6 feet 1 inch is the average height of a male tennis player; meanwhile, 5 feet 6 inches is the average height of a female tennis player. That makes people think that playing this fun pastime game might help them grow taller. But is it true? Or are these players naturally tall before playing it? The answer you are looking for is below. Keep scrolling now.

Understand factors that influence height growth

The truth is that genetics is the main factor when it comes to your height. It is the teammate you are born with, and you cannot trade it for any reason. Even siblings raised under the same roof with the same nutrition and lifestyle habits can have remarkable differences in growth, emphasizing the power of genetics.

“You are what you eat.” Well, this statement underscores that nutrition is another vital player in determining your height. The body always needs quality materials to build with, such as calcium, protein, and vitamins for bone health and growth.

Then it is about the aspect of hormones, especially growth hormones and sex hormones during puberty. They are the coaches instructing growth spurts, with growth hormones leading the charge.

“You grow as you move.” Physical activities do more than only keep you in shape. They also play a role in boosting growth hormone levels that can give you extra inches and even signal the body to lengthen bone density, contributing to overall stature.

Last but not least, keep the importance of sleep high. Because while you sleep, your body does most of its repairing, rejuvenating, and growing.


Learn more about the relationship between physical and height growth

First, you need to know about growth plates, a critical factor in determining the future length and shape of the mature bone. These plates are made of up cartilage, which is softer and more vulnerable than bones.

While we engage in sports, these might affect our growth plates as well as stimulate the release of growth hormones, which are fundamental for bone development. Also, the increased blood flow from exercising can give the growth plates the necessary nourishment that potentially supports vertical growth. What’s more, jumping and stretching when practicing any physical activity help promote bone density and growth.

Remember that these might happen when your growth plates are open, especially during childhood and adolescence. Once these plates close, your height is set in stone. But, that does not mean that sports lose their benefits. Because they play a vital role in maintaining bone health, muscle mass, and overall health.

Let’s back to the question “Does tennis make you taller”

As mentioned above, our height is determined by genetics and other environmental factors. However, if you just focus on one factor to support your height, particularly playing tennis, no scientific evidence suggests this claim. Keep in mind that growing taller depends on genetics, nutrition, exercise, sleep, and hormones. So, combining tennis with a balanced diet and proper sleep might help.

Moreover, playing tennis offers irresistible benefits that go far beyond the court. This exciting sport reinforces cardiovascular health through powerful aerobic activity, boosts strength, agility, and endurance through active movement, and improves hand-eye coordination through complex demands. Furthermore, it enhances mental health by reducing anxiety and stress while supporting a sense of community. Beyond physical and mental benefits, tennis develops valuable social connections, teamwork, and communication skills. 


Discover other sports that support height growth


That said, swimming is one of the top recommendations for those who want to improve their height. Among swimming styles, the breaststroke is described as the most effective one regarding stretching and is believed to boost height. When performing this style, the water gives buoyancy, decreasing pressure on the spinal column and disc. The movement includes stretching the arms and legs outward, aiding muscle stretching. Relying on that, it helps decompress and lengthen the spine, as well as stimulating signals from the body to the pituitary gland. Consequently, growth hormone is produced, boosting the formation of cartilage tissue for supporting bone growth.


While playing basketball, you need to jump and run a lot. Even scientific studies suggest that playing basketball might add extra inches to your stature.

Let’s explain clearly!

Frequently jumping to reach the basket helps extend the body. Besides, constant jumping signals your brain to release growth hormones and trigger blood flow to the growth plates. Furthermore, dribbling and shooting in basketball requires extending the arms and spine, stimulating growth plates for height growth.

As a result, if you engage in basketball, especially during your growing years, you might experience accelerated height growth and even reach or surpass your genetically predetermined height.


Cycling includes extending and working the muscles in your knees, ankles, joints, and hips. When the saddle is raised and you stretch your foot to reach the pedal, it results in the extension of your leg muscles, particularly your calves, and thigh. This extensive process creates more space for your shin bone to grow when pressure is applied to the leg. 


Skipping makes your legs rapidly move back and forth while maintaining your body straight. This motion also extends and flexes your muscles and ligaments, allowing them to become flexible. The increased flexibility leads to the muscles and ligaments stretching and contracting, stimulating leg bone growth.


The truth is that all kids love to hang from bars, and this fun-loving exercise can straighten their spine and lengthen their vertebrates. So, parents should encourage them to do plenty of pull-ups. It is easy to set up a hanging bar in the house and allow children to hang fully above the ground.


Yoga has spread worldwide as a fitness that unifies the body, the mind, and the spirit. But do you know it also helps you stand taller by stretching and decompressing your spine? Engaging in certain yoga poses like cobra pose, mountain pose, child’s pose, or tree pose aids in stretching and spinal decompression, supporting height and improving posture.


Blocking and spiking the ball when playing volleyball requires intense and constant jumps. As you know, jumping helps stimulate the bloodstream, which is necessary to increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the body. This stimulation is vital because it triggers the growth plates in your bones, contributing to the production of bone tissues needed for growth. Also, jumping puts stress on the body, supporting the density of the bones and making them stronger.

In conclusion,

The truth is that we cannot control some factors, particularly, our genes. That’s why embracing sports might give your height a bit of a boost. But, remember that it is not just about being taller; it is about building strong and healthy bones and leading a healthy lifestyle. Tennis, or any physical activity, is the same. Therefore, you need to combine these exercises with proper nutrition and sleep to get the best results.

Keep playing, stay active, and let the body do the rest!

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