Height calculator: How tall will you be?

“How tall will my kid be?” “Will he be tall, short, or average?” “How to maximize their height?” These are questions parents worldwide wonder when seeing their children were born. There is no magic way to predict the exact height they will get. However, using some methods that might help you predict their estimated future height. Are you curious to learn about them? There we go!

Popular height calculators you should not miss

Below are some formulas that roughly calculate how tall a child might be. Although none have been proven to predict the accurate height, they can give you a good look.

Mid-parental height formula

The formula itself is relatively straightforward: 

Mid-parental height formula = (Father’s height + Mother’s height)/2 

  • For boys = MPH + 6.5 cm (2.5 inches) 
  • For girls = MPH – 6.5 cm (2.5 inches) 

For instance, a boy’s father is 74 inches while the mother is 68 inches. The calculation will be:

  • 74 + 68 = 142 inches
  • 142 + 5 inches for boys = 147 inches
  • 147 divided by 2 = 73.5 inches

The boy will be an estimated 6 feet 1 ½ inches.

Khamis-Roche method

Developed by Dr. Harry Khamis and Dr. Alex Roche, this height calculator is considered one of the most exact ways to get an adult height, especially when kids are 5 or older. However, since this method was based on the heights of Caucasian children, it might not be as accurate for kids of other ethnicities.

You can try it here.

Bone age X-ray

The doctor will take an X-ray of your child’s hand and wrist. Then compare the images to those in the standard atlas of bone growth that show the age of the child’s bone and age.

As children age, their growth plates become thinner. However, when they are completely grown, these plates will disappear. The doctor will use a bone age study to determine how much taller and longer a child might develop.

Also, this method helps a doctor to diagnose conditions that lead to extreme stature (too tall or short) or abnormal growth of the arms. These include genetic disorders (Turner syndrome), growth hormone deficiency, or Thyroid disorders.

How to maximize their height

Two years time two method

This method is quite easy to use and has been used for a long time, but no research is available to support its accuracy. To predict your child’s height, you need to:

  • Measure their height when they are 2 (particularly boys at 2 years old and girls at 1.5 years old).
  • Then multiply that height by 2.

For instance, if your kid is 32 inches tall when they are 2, they can reach 64 inches tall as an adult.

The curve method

This method mainly relies on the growth charts that pediatricians often use to track a child’s growth. First, they measure your child’s current height. Then plot it on the growth curve and follow along on their growth curve to see where they end up as an adult.

For example, if a 6-year-old boy is 43 inches tall (the 10th percentile), you could expect him to be 66 inches tall at 19 to 20 years old (the 25th percentile).

Why should we predict our child’s future height?

How tall your kid will be is not just fun information. Once knowing their estimated adult height, you will not worry when certain growth spurts and plateaus of childhood and adolescence happen. And if they are consistently shorter than the trend for their predicted adult height, the doctor might explore whether they have an undetected illness or nutritional deficit.

What can affect their predicted height?


We all know that genes control between 60 and 80 percent of a person’s height. Although it is the most influential factor, other factors like nutrition, gender, physical activities, and surrounding environments also play a big role.


It is necessary to supplement your children with a healthy and balanced diet because nutrition is vital to maintaining the healthy production of cells and tissues. Meanwhile, malnutrition or having an unbalanced diet might lead to stunted growth.


Girls mature faster than boys during adolescence, but then boys catch up and tend to be slightly taller than girls. 

Physical activities

The amount of physical activities a girl or boy engages in contributes to their adult height. Children who are more physically active tend to grow better than those who are not. Moreover, keeping the body moving daily helps them be healthy and fit to grow steadily.

Ways parents should follow to raise a healthy kid

Avoid limiting food

Limiting food might affect growth and development, as well as increase the risk of a kid establishing an eating disorder, such as loss of appetite or binge-eating syndrome later in life. Instead, parents should focus on a healthy eating plan with a variety of healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meat, and whole grains, while restricting junk and processed foods.

Avoid labeling foods as “good” or “bad”

Parents should connect foods to things children like. For instance, teaching them the antioxidants in fruits and vegetables will help their skin clear and hair shiny. Let them know the calcium in dairy products or lean protein from chicken breast helps them stay strong for their basketball games.

Do not nag about unhealthy foods

We always praise healthy choices, but kids sometimes choose unhealthy foods. The best thing is to ignore it and replace it with healthy versions of the food they like. For example, instead of letting them eat French fries, you can try roasting potato sticks or dipping strawberries in a little dark chocolate.


Avoid using food as a prize

If food is used as a reward, it can lead to weight issues and problems around food later in life. Instead, you can give them a trip to the park, a bike ride, or a game of catch as a non-food prize.

Have family dinners at night

Preparing dinner at home and eating together ensures healthy portions are available on everyone’s plates. This also helps kids learn the correct portion size. A healthy portion must include lots of vegetables, some fruits, some lean protein, and whole grains.

Make an exercise schedule

Set aside time for moderate physical activities and be a role model if you want your children to follow. The recommended time is about 60 minutes daily. Also, you should limit their time on television, video games, and computers because these sedentary behaviors just prevent kids from getting up and moving.

Prepare with good sleep hygiene

Kids will be more focused and alert in class if they get enough sleep. School-age children need at least 10 hours of sleep every night, while teens need between 9 and 10 hours. Parents should get their kids accustomed to the same bedtime every night so that they get good sleep hygiene. Besides, try limiting screen devices before bed for about 1 to 2 hours.

Final words,

Now you can get a good idea of how tall your child will be with some of the methods mentioned above. Or you can use all and then compare the results together. In case you are concerned about your child’s height, the best thing is to talk to the healthcare provider.

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