How to Get Taller as a Teenager?

During adolescence, there is a unique chance to grow taller and stronger, physically and mentally. This is a time when healthy choices help teens reach their height potential and improve overall well-being. If you are a parent of teenage kids or a teen who aspires to grow in height, you are on the right expert blog post.

Below, we will share some helpful tips and proven methods on how to get taller for teens.

📌📌📌 Quick Peek: Fuel your teen's growth naturally and effectively with our carefully-chosen NuBest height growth supplements.


What Can I Do to Become Taller During Teenage Years?

To maximize height growth during your teenage years you can follow these tips: 

  • You need to consume a balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals like protein, calcium, and vitamin D. 
  • Regular exercise also helps improve posture and promote healthy bone development.
  • Getting enough sleep is a good way to help the body release more human growth hormones.
  • Additionally, it is crucial that you should avoid junk food, alcohol, and smoking to prevent stunted growth.
  • You can take growth dietary supplements in combination with nutritious meals to give extra support for reaching maximum height potential.
Genetics is not the sole factor determining a child's height

Genetics is not the sole factor determining a child's height

1. Follow Proper Nutrition for Height Growth

During adolescence, the human body undergoes profound transformations, demanding a consistent and diverse supply of essential nutrients to facilitate bone growth and development.

Which nutrient is best for height growth during teenage?

The best nutrients for height growth during teenage include: 

  1. Protein: Often hailed as the building block of growth, protein plays a pivotal role in supporting muscle development and tissue repair. Adolescents should incorporate lean meats (such as lean ground beef, skinless chicken, pork tenderloin, and other cuts low in fat), fish, eggs, and plant-based alternatives into their diet to ensure an adequate protein intake.
  2. Calcium: As the cornerstone of strong bones and teeth, calcium is imperative during adolescence. Dairy products, fortified plant-based milk, and leafy green vegetables serve as excellent sources of this mineral, ensuring that bones grow and mature robustly.
  3. Vitamin D: Working in tandem with calcium, vitamin D is indispensable for bone health as it enhances calcium absorption. Exposure to sunlight, consumption of fatty fish, and fortified foods provide the necessary dose of vitamin D, safeguarding the development of healthy bones.
  4. Vitamin C: This antioxidant vitamin plays a multifaceted role in adolescent development. Notably, it aids in collagen formation and contributes to bone development. Adolescents can obtain their required vitamin C from a variety of sources, including citrus fruits, strawberries, and broccoli.
  5. Zinc: Vital for cell growth and division, zinc is a nutrient that should not be overlooked during this crucial growth period. Nuts, seeds, and whole grains are rich in zinc, ensuring proper cellular development.
Proper nutrient intake boosts effective height growth for teenagers

Proper nutrient intake boosts effective height growth for teenagers

What are the nutritional guidelines for adolescents?

The nutritional guidelines for adolescents are: 

Balanced Meals

To maximize their height potential, teenagers should consume well-rounded meals that encompass a mix of proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables on a daily basis. Balanced meals ensure they receive a comprehensive array of nutrients.

Balanced meals provide protein to support height growth in teenagers
Balanced meals provide protein to support height growth in teenagers
Avoid Unhealthy Food Choices: What foods should you avoid when growing taller?

When growing taller you should avoid foods with excessive sugar, foods that are processed, and any other unhealthy foods, as they can impede height development. 

Additionally, practices such as skipping meals, extreme dieting, or relying heavily on unhealthy snacks should be avoided, as they can negatively impact natural height increase.

Unhealthy food harms height growth
 Unhealthy food harms height growth
Keep a Good Hydration

Adequate hydration is paramount for overall health, encompassing bone and muscle function. Maintaining a sufficient intake of water throughout the day is crucial to support growth and overall well-being.

Can dehydration stunt height?

Water plays a role in transporting nutrients to cells and removing waste from the body, which is crucial for bone growth and physiological functions. So, chronic dehydration might impair physical development during childhood and adolescence. That’s why we need to stay well-hydrated to guarantee the body's optimal function.

How many liters of water should I drink a day for height growth?

Teenagers should aim to drink about 2-3 liters of water per day to help their bodies get enough fluids to function, including those related to height growth. Adjust based on the weight, age, activity level, and climate.

Teenagers need to drink enough 2-3 liters of water

Teenagers need to drink enough 2-3 liters of water every day to increase height

2. Do Exercises and Other Physical Activities

Staying active helps support the development of strong bones, muscles, and overall body strength, contributing to optimizing height during the teenage years. It also aids in maintaining a healthy body weight and reducing the risk of obesity.

Which exercise is best for growing height?

Stretching exercises are one of the top choices for improved posture and spinal health.

  • The cobra pose helps stretch the spine, chest, and shoulders, promoting flexibility and improved posture. The cobra pose involves laying on your stomach while on the ground, then propping your upper body up on your forearms. In order to do the cobra pose correctly, be sure to keep your neck and head tall while looking straight ahead.
  • Strengthening the back, glutes, and hamstrings, bridge pose helps enhance spinal alignment and encourages growth. To do bridge pose, lay flat on the ground on your back with both arms straight alongside your body. Bend both of your knees and rest both feet flat on the ground under the knees. Next, use your feet to push your hips up and lift your bottom off the ground. While keeping this position, hold your arms straight at each side to help support your weight.
  • A forward bend (also known as a forward fold) pose aids hamstring flexibility and spine decompression, contributing to proper posture. To assume a forward fold, stand up tall with your feet directly next to one another. Slowly bend forward at the waist and wrap your arms around your legs to keep your body in this position. If you cannot do that, you can let both arms dangle in front of you as they try to touch the ground.

In case you want to target growth hormone production, consider these workouts:

  • HIIT exercises, like sprints and jumping jacks, trigger the release of growth hormones, enhancing height development.
  • Jumping rope is a fun and effective way to stimulate these hormones and enhance bone density.

If you are interested in playing sports, here are some good choices:

Cycling regularly strengthens leg muscles, supporting growth in the teen years.

 Cycling regularly strengthens leg muscles, supporting growth in the teen years.

Other Exercise Tips to Consider to Increase Height:

  • When engaging in any activity, you should focus on maintaining proper form to avoid injury and maximize the benefits. This means taking your time and thinking about your movements rather than rushing through them or focusing on doing a certain number of repetitions.
  • Improper techniques can lead to strain or stress on the body, hindering growth.
  • Always start with a warm-up routine to prepare the body for exercise and prevent injuries. Stretching is one of the most common warm-ups, but some people may prefer a brisk walk up the street, or going up and down the stairs in their home a few times.
  • Similarly, a cool-down session after working out helps the body recover and relax muscles. Stretching is also a good cool down as is a yoga position called child’s pose or a slow, thoughtful walk.
  • While exercise is essential for growth, overtraining can lead to exhaustion and potential setbacks in height development. Moderation is key, and you need to listen to your body.
  • Do not forget to rest to let the body recover and grow.
  • Spending time outdoors on activities like hiking, jogging, walking, or playing sports not only promotes exercise but also provides exposure to sunlight, which aids in vitamin D synthesis.
Regular exercise is an effective way for teenagers to boost their height growth

Regular exercise is an effective way for teenagers to boost their height growth

Follow a Healthy Sleep Routine: Does sleeping more help height growth?

Sleep is fundamental to height growth. It supports growth hormone production, aids tissue repair and regeneration, and ensures proper bone and muscle development. 

By prioritizing sleep and establishing healthy sleep habits, teenagers can maximize their height potential and embrace a healthier and more confident future.

How many hours of sleep is needed to grow taller?

Experts recommend that teenagers between 14 and 17 get 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night. This duration of sleep allows their body to complete the necessary growth processes.

How can I get really good sleep?

Here are the best tips for teenagers to get a good sleep:

  • Have a steady sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate the body's internal clock and promotes better sleep quality.
  • The sleeping area should be cozy, dark, and cool. A room temperature between 60 and 72 degrees is recommended.
  • Avoid using electronic devices for at least an hour before bedtime, as blue light emitted from screens can interfere with the body's natural sleep-wake cycle. This includes TVs, tablets, cellphones, and other devices.
  • Engage in relaxing activities before bedtime to help calm the mind and prepare the body for sleep.
  • Avoid taking caffeine and stimulants, especially in the afternoon and evening, or these can disrupt sleep patterns and make falling asleep more difficult. Common sources of caffeine include energy drinks, coffee, soda, and even many teas.
  • Regular exercise can improve sleep quality, but do not work out intensively near bedtime, as this may lead to increased alertness.

Nurture your teen's height growth journey by combining our NuBest height growth supplements for teenagers with adequate nutrition, exercise, and sleep.

Lifestyle Factors: How does lifestyle affect height?

Beyond genetics and nutrition, lifestyle choices can either support or hinder natural height growth during these formative years. Here are some suggestions for living the healthiest lifestyle to boost your height growth. 

Bad habits that affect height growth that you need to avoid

What are the bad habits for height growth to avoid?

Does smoking affect height increase?

Smoking not only poses severe health risks but can also hinder height development. The harmful chemicals in cigarettes can interfere with the body's ability to absorb essential nutrients, thus limiting proper growth. Nicotine found in cigarettes also prevents the body from releasing the proper amount of growth hormones during formative years.

Smoking poses serious health risks and can stunt height growth
 Smoking poses serious health risks and can stunt height growth
Does alcohol affect height growth?

Alcohol consumption during the teenage years can impair bone health and interfere with the production of growth hormones, potentially stunting height growth.

Does teen drug addiction lead to stunted height growth?

Engaging in substance misuse, such as using drugs and other harmful growth inhibitors, can have a detrimental impact on overall health and hinder normal growth processes.

Can stress stunt puberty height growth?

Chronic stress can disrupt the body's hormonal balance and impact the release of growth hormones. Managing stress effectively is crucial for supporting optimal growth during adolescence. Encouraging healthy stress management techniques, such as meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises, are essential to promote overall well-being.

Can depression stunt puberty height growth?

Yes, depression can potentially stunt height growth during puberty. Researchers explained that living with intense levels of stress and fear may increase stress hormones over time; in other words, stress could restrict the growth hormone pathway for bone growth.

So, how do you mitigate the effects of depression on height growth?

Looking for professional help is highly recommended. Talking, counseling, or therapy with a healthcare provider may address mental health problems. In addition, you should encourage teenagers to follow a nutritious diet, exercise frequently, and get adequate sleep.

Nutrition, exercise, and sleep are key factors that influence height

Find the right vitamins for teen boys and girls to maximize their overall growth and health during their critical growing years.

Take growth dietary supplements for height increase

These are over-the-counter products that claim to stimulate bone growth and enhance height potential thanks to their combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbal extracts.

So, when considering height-boosting supplements for teenagers, it is crucial to prioritize evidence-based practices. Also, look for reputable studies and consult medical professionals for guidance.

Take height-boosting supplements during your teen years for optimal growth
Take height-boosting supplements during your teen years for optimal growth

Which supplements are best for increasing height?

Here are the best vitamin supplements for increasing height:

  • NuBest Height Growth Supplements for Teens and Kids are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidant-rich herbs, and other nutrients to support bone growth, good height, immunity, and overall health for kids aged 2 to teens.
  • TruHeight Height Growth Supplement for Kids & Teens includes a blend of vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium and ashwagandha, to promote bone strength during adolescence.
  • BIOTEQUELAB Height Growth Gummies are yummy gummies enriched with essential nutrients to enhance bone development and height growth.
  • Healthy Heights Growth Daily Protein Shake is a protein-rich beverage formulated to boost growth by stimulating bone and muscle growth with protein, arginine, zinc, calcium, vitamins, etc.
  • Smarty Pants Vitamins Teen Guy Multi and Omegas is a daily multivitamin that promotes optimal height growth and health thanks to omega-3, DHA, lutein, zeaxanthin, and more.

NuBest height growth supplements use case and example

Fabio D, a dad of a 13-year-old daughter, decided to try NuBest Tall 10+ after hearing inspiring growth stories from other fellow parents. In his review, he excitedly shared, “We have noticed changes not only in her height but in her confidence and energy levels. We couldn't be happier with the results!”. Thousands of parents who chose at least one of the NuBest Tall products to support their kids' full potential also shared their happy experiences on and other platforms.

Fabio D chose NuBest Tall 10+ for his daughter

Fabio D chose NuBest Tall 10+ for his daughter


Although genes play a pivotal role in determining an individual's height, some other factors can help teenage height growth. 

Adopting a holistic lifestyle focused on healthy habits and overall wellness helps adolescents grow physically and emotionally. Ultimately, the pursuit of peak height during the teenage years goes beyond numbers; it helps build a strong, confident identity and sets the stage for a brighter and more fulfilling future.

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