How to grow taller after puberty?

While it is easy to stay fit at any age, increasing height is not as easy, especially if you are grown-up. You even encounter many individuals suggesting methods to improve your stature development, but their advice might not be appropriate or successful for everyone. So, what should you do if you truly want to boost your humble height? Is it possible? Come with us and find the answer!

First, learn what determines your height

Genetics, of course, plays a vital role in our height. But, remember that it is not quite the whole story. Studies on twins have proven the importance of heredity in defining a person’s body type [1]. That means if a person’s parent is tall, that person will also be tall, and vice versa. Based on studying twins, it is estimated that 60-80% of the difference in height between individuals is due to genetics.

So, what about the other remaining factors?

The remaining 20-40% concerns environmental factors like nutrition [2]. Good nutrition which includes vitamins, minerals, and other necessary nutrients helps people maximize their growth potential. Meanwhile, those who do not get enough nutrition might not get taller. A study pointed out that in many countries, the average person was taller in 1996 than in 1896. And improved nutritional intake might cause this positive change [3].

Besides, physical activity contributes to childhood height and growth because being active helps enhance the production of human growth hormones. When these hormones activate, a kid with open growth plates in their bones might experience more growth. However, if these plates in the bones close, they cannot grow tall. Normally, girls reach their full height at 14-16 years; meanwhile, boys reach their full height at 16-18 years.

Is there anything else?

Gender assigned at birth is another biological factor that you should consider. Typically, males tend to have more total height potential than females. Certain medical conditions, including dwarfism, gigantism, untreated celiac disease, arthritis, Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, and Marfan syndrome, can change how a person grows during childhood.

How to grow taller after puberty

It seems like height will not increase after age 18

Our height stops growing because of our bones, particularly our growth plates. Increases in height are mainly due to the lengthening of our long bones, as the growth plates are still open. And when we reach the end of puberty, hormonal changes make the growth plates close and the elongation of bones stops [4].

Typically, growth plates close around age 16 in females and about 19 in males [5]. However, in some cases, some slight daily changes in height can happen in adults. The cause is the small compression of the disc in their spine [6].

So, how to grow taller after puberty? Is it possible?

For most people, their height will stay the same after the age of 18 to 20 because of the closure of growth plates. However, there are still effective ways that help them look taller. Let’s check them out!

Practice good posture

Standing and sitting with good posture make you appear taller. Moreover, it helps prevent the back and neck pain that often comes with slouching.

How to sit properly?

  • Keep your feet flat on the floor while sitting
  • Control the chair height so that your thighs stay parallel to the floor
  • Avoid crossing your legs
  • Let your shoulders rest comfortably
  • Support your back with a small pillow

How to stand properly?

  • Keep your shoulders back
  • Pull your belly toward your spine with the muscle gently engaged
  • Keep your head level and in line with the body
  • Put the feet shoulder-width apart
  • Do not lock your knees
  • Maintain the weight mainly on the balls of your feet
  • Let your arms hang naturally at the sides

Strengthen your core muscles with exercises

The core muscles are the muscles in your abdomen and along the spinal column. Having strong core muscles might help you keep proper posture and appear taller. But how? Try the following exercises, including plank, abdominal crunch, or Superman.

Do yoga

Practicing yoga regularly can help ease the muscles, increase body flexibility, and improve posture, giving the appearance of more height.

A study in 2016 pointed out that yoga enhanced the bone density of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. It also mentioned that this exercise allows the bones to absorb calcium, strengthening them and making people gain better posture [7].


Have a well-balanced diet

The average adult height has increased in high-income countries in a short period. Researchers noted that diet improvements, overall upgraded living standards, and decreased disease exposure are in charge of the height increase [8].

Eating nutritious food helps the body with the key nutrients it needs to maintain strong bones, as well as prevent osteoporosis and bone loss as it ages. Keep in mind that bone loss can result in height loss as the joints and spine compress.

A balanced diet should include a variety of colorful vegetables, leafy greens, fruits, lean meats, and whole grains.

Wear higher shoes

A simple and convenient way to add temporary height is by wearing platform or heeled shoes. However, some studies revealed that wearing shoes with taller heels frequently might lead to injury in healthy women [9, 10]. Therefore, the best thing is to wear these types of shoes only occasionally and walk carefully.

How about limb lengthening? Is it necessary?

After puberty, if a person is still looking to increase their height, there might be an innovative surgical solution, called limb lengthening surgery. This method is pioneering as it provides a way to add inches to your height permanently.

So, how does it work?

The procedure utilizes your body’s ability to create new bone tissues. The extending bone is sliced and fixed using internal and external fixation devices or frames. The sliced bone is successively divided to encourage new bone formation at the osteotomy site. And until the correct bone length is done, the body keeps creating fresh bone tissue at the gap at each end of the bone.

How many inches can you get with this surgery?

The operation can extend the lower leg by as much as 2.4 inches and the upper leg by as much as 3.2 inches within three months.

How to prevent height loss?

After 30, we often lose as much as half an inch of height because of the compression of the spine and other reasons, leading to a significant loss of height over time. While we cannot do much, we can take steps to limit the age-related loss of height.

  • Maintain adequate nutrition, mainly calcium and vitamin D
  • Engage in weight-bearing exercises to prevent muscle loss
  • Keep yourself hydrated
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Try supplements, for instance, Bone Xtra to support bone health and strength.

In the end,

Adults cannot increase their height after puberty. However, some helpful ways and preventive measures can help them appear taller as well as prevent height loss as they age. Also, you can consult your doctor about whether you can add inches permanently by limb lengthening surgery. 

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