Must-read: Why don’t you get any taller while taking supplements?

Are you taking height growth supplements properly? Ever wonder why you are not getting any taller even though growth boosts are right in your hands? Let’s debunk some common mistakes and hindrance to intensify your grow-taller journey and maximize your potential height to the fullest.

1. Not following the recommended dosage

The dosage is recommended to ensure the effectiveness of the supplements and their absorption into your body. It is of utmost importance to follow usage directions on the bottle label. Pay attention to taking the right number of pills per day at the right time. Do not miss or add on your dose.

2. Stay up late or lack of sleep

Although you are taking capsules regularly, the lack of quality sleep can negatively affect your height growth. Sleeping is one vital factor in increasing height due to the amount of growth hormones secreted during your deep sleep. Staying up late or lack of sleep will be harmful to height growth and overall health.


To optimize the effectiveness of height growth supplements, users should go to bed early from around 10:00 PM and ensure 8 hours of good sleep. It is suggested that keeping your bedroom comfortable, quiet, and dark can assist your sleep.

3. Imbalanced diet

Taking height growth supplements alone cannot provide you with all key nutrients if you do not eat properly. Many users do not fulfill their meals three times per day, especially teenagers. A balanced and nutritional diet is essential to height growth and bodybuilding. It should include four groups of key nutrients in decent proportion to ensure the development of your body.

Imbalanced diet

Additionally, children and teenagers who consume too much sugary, salty, processed, and fast foods can be hindered from getting taller. Stimulants, such as coffee, wine, beer, or carbonated drinks, should be cut down as well. All those unhealthy foods and drinks will adversely affect the absorption of nutrients from supplements to your body.

4. Growth plates have already fused or closed early

It is important to note that there’s no point in taking any height supplements when your growth plates have closed completely. Most human growth plates after age 20 have closed. For some people, growth plates close earlier at the age of 17-19. No height pills can reverse this closure to make people taller.

Therefore, it is very important to determine the status of your growth plates before taking height growth supplements. You should have an X-ray at a medical facility to know exactly or monitor your height in the last 12 months as a relative method. If you have not grown any taller during such a long time, it may be a sign that your growth plates have fused absolutely.

5. Being impatient, stressed during the course or stopping midway

At the beginning of the course, it would be difficult to gain any significant change to your height growth and your body. Many users are getting impatient or stressed after 1 or 2 bottles of supplements, while stressful mental health may cause adverse effects on height growth as well. Some of them decide to stop taking more height growth supplements.


The truth is very few people can get taller after taking one bottle. Height increase is not something that can happen overnight. Bones need time to absorb the nutrients to lengthen before you see any visible changes to your body. Normally, it takes users at least 6 months of continuous use to obtain the expected height gain. It is also important to note that the results will vary from one person to another.  

6. Height increase varies along growth stages

During growing years, children and puberty stages are golden to increase height significantly. It may be too late to take supplements when users are reaching the end of puberty or at the age of adults already.

Therefore, utilize your golden stages of children and adolescence as soon as possible to build a solid foundation for rapid growth and boost up your height. Nobody can reverse their puberty to grow taller again.

7. Growth speed can slow down some time

Once in a while, your growth speed may slow down due to some reasons such as catching a cold, injured body or stressful state of mind, etc. After you regain your healthy state, your height growth will get back on track and increase normally.

8. Weight lifting or intense exercises

It is suggested that you should play sports or exercises regularly to increase height. Lifting weight or any intense exercises may have some activities that can compress and injure your spine


Many outdoor sports or stretching exercises can be beneficial to your height growth such as swimming, volleyball, basketball, cycling or yoga. Pay attention to not overdo and injure yourself while playing sports as well.

In short, users of height growth supplements may unintentionally make some mistakes or misconceptions that could hinder them from getting taller properly. It is critical to note that taking supplements is not a magical thing that could cast a spell on your height to increase overnight. People should take supplements with the right dosage along with nutritious diet, quality sleep and regular exercises. Let’s take actions as soon as possible if you don’t want to let your golden chance of puberty slip away. Your maximum potential height is waiting ahead

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